Rise of Voice Search with Ako Stark

The way people conduct their searches online is gradually changing. While search engine optimization (SEO) continues to be a buzz around the world, a relatively new player, voice search, is making things happen on the Internet in a way marketers and business owners aren’t ready for yet.

“Voice search is huge right now and it’s only getting bigger,” says marketing expert, Ako Stark. As many businesses continue to slowly adapt SEO, applications like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Windows’ Cortana are changing the way these same people search for information, products, and services online.

Voice searches differ from typed searches, and they’re gaining ground as the best way to search for things. In fact, 20% of all Google mobile queries are voice searches. Voice search changes the dynamics of SEO, adding new layers that companies have to make adjustments to fit into, or they may miss this rising trend.

With the rise of this game changing technology, business owners with any kind of digital presence at all will need to prepare for a whole new movement in digital exposure. It is safe to say that we are in the middle of a Voice Search Revolution. According to Google, 41% of adults (and 55% of teens) are already using voice search daily and, since 2008, voice search has grown 35x.

These statistics paint a clear image that voice search is already here and it is ready to take over the world. While there are contriverious around the Internet claiming that voice search is only for mobile devices, studies by Branded3 actually show that 25% of all Windows 10 desktop searches are conducted via voice. So it’s moved into the desktop space, as well.

The simple fact is, people talk to their desktop computers and smart speakers. A study by Geomarketing shows the impact of voice search usability. 65% of Google Home or Amazon Echo owners can’t imagine going back to normal search.

“Voice search is faster than typing. And, the faster the searches, the faster you get your answers. It’s no surprise, then, that more and more people are adapting and benefiting from this technology. It is more convenient and saves you time. Win win. The way we are headed into the fast moving future of the digital world, voice search will have a lot more users than any other searches currently available,” says Stark.

The possibilities for the future of voice technology are endless. There are many reasons why it’s becoming necessary for brands and companies to adopt voice strategies. It completely changes the customer experience online, drives more visitors, and rewards those who offer valuable information to search users.

Google has indicated that voice search is one of the fastest growing forms of search in 2020. What seemed like a fiction idea, at one point, is now a reality. Voice search has evolved, adapted and become commonplace when searching for any type of information online.

While those technologies increase exponentially, this new era of opportunity for users all will for quicker, more relevant responses while fulfilling the expectations of the average user better than ever before.



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